Monday, April 18, 2011

Counting down the days...

As we get closer and closer to our grand re-opening, there is a frenetic pulse at the resort.  More and more projects are taking place in common areas, leading to a intense feeling of construction.  Carpet is being laid in all the units as well as hallways, new light fixtures are being installed and work has begun to revamp the lobby.

Words have become very unnecessary, on to the pictures:

A clearer view of the ocean (good riddance brick!)

A bare lobby

Indoor fireworks!  Remodelling the lobby ramp.
New carpet!
New furniture on the new carpet!

New vacuums to clean the new carpet!
More to come...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Toys for Big Boys!

Tonka trucks.  Do those two words do anything for you?  Do you recall images of bright yellow steel trucks in a sandbox?  Having an impromptu demolition derby with your favorite toys?  Perhaps helping to "build" your little sister's Barbie dream-house (and subsequently running over Barbie's Corvette monster-truck style)?

If you have fond memories of Tonka trucks, scale sized Caterpillar trucks or Mega Bloks, this blog post is for you.

Enjoy the toys of the repair and remodel of Casa Del Mar:

Need a high-pressure spray?   This is your tool! 
Some sort of surveying device.  The operator was quite occupied, so I didn't want to investigate further.

Mobile compressor

I really, really, really want one these...if just for a day. 
The ultimate margarita mixer. 
It delivers the cement, a powered wheel barrow if you will.